541511 - Custom Computer Programming Services
541512 - Computer Systems Design Services
541513 - Computer Facilities Management Services
541519 - Other Computer Related Services
518210 - Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services.
Using Blockchain to manage the supply chain provides real-time certification of compliance to partners, customers and regulators.
The use of distributed ledger technology makes it possible to share and track information across various users. It provides permissions control access and visibility, so each party maintains confidentiality of its data. Users and transactions are verified and preserved by the blockchain. This creates a network of trust between participants, even if they don’t know one another.
Blockchains speed up information sharing and create greater efficiencies. Efficiencies that can and should be shared across an industry — even where necessary - among competitors.
This is a key point in support of Blockchains - as the value extends to all members of the ecosystem.”
The New Blockchain Decision Model (BDM)
All agencies and businessess, whatever their role in the supply chain, will need to relate to consumers or customers, managing relationships as a key competitive asset. They will need to exploit technology as it advances, and rework their processes to fit the new Blockchain Decision Model (BDM).
Agility, flexibility and speed will be the new differentiators, and organizations will need to be more efficient, effective and economical (the three 'E's') to make their operations worth undertaking.
Hard on the heels of the business-to-consumer supply chain redefinitions, are the business-to-business area redefinitions. The conversion of many routine transactions, from purchasing, designing and planning to e-purchasing, e-designing and e-planning, have stimulated profound organizational changes and needs.
Recognizing these needs, MBDM combined its deep Data Modeling and Industrial Engineering Capabilities with its Blockchain Re-engineering Capabilities. These combined disciplines deliver enormous returns to the bottom line with as much as 30% reductions in End-to-End Operations and Supply Chain Management / Execution costs.
Our 7S-SCE (S7-Step Supply Chain Excellence) model is applicable in both the Service, Manufacturing and Government sectors.
Service industries and primarily government organizations, seek out ‘minimum cost of doing business’ models in much the same way as production organizations. They too wish to operate with a lower cost base while delivering higher levels of quality and service to both their internal and external customers.
Our 7S-SCE approach is founded on The Supply Chain Council SCOR (The Supply Chain Operations Reference) model which provides additional structure and rigor to manage your Supply Chain Cycle towards best in class levels.