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Artificial Intelligence


541511 - Custom Computer Programming Services
541512 - Computer Systems Design Services
541513 - Computer Facilities Management Services
541519 - Other Computer Related Services

518210 - Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly reimagining our world. Leapfrog surges in AI capabilities have led to a growing number of innovations including Internet of Things and autonomous vehicles and devices that we have in our homes.

MBDM contributes to the research, standards and data required to realize the full promise of artificial intelligence (AI) as a tool that will enable our innovation, enhance economic security and improve our quality of life.


Much of our work focuses on cultivating trust in the design, development, use and governance of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and systems. We are doing this by:

  • Conducting fundamental research to advance trustworthy AI technologies and understand and measure their capabilities and limitations

  • Applying AI research and innovation across our laboratory programs...

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  • Establishing benchmarks and developing data and metrics to evaluate AI technologies

  • Contributing to discussions and development of AI policies, including supporting the National AI Advisory Committee 


Cultivating Trust in AI Technologies

AI (and Machine Learning (ML)) is changing the way in which society addresses economic and national security challenges and opportunities. It is being used in natural language processing, robotics, wireless spectrum monitoring, genomics, image and video processing, materials, and more.


We believe these technologies must be developed and used in a trustworthy and responsible manner. 

Answers to the question of what makes an AI technology trustworthy may differ depending on who one asks. As the video shows above, the AI is driving, the passengers are oblivious to the AI technology they trust to get them from A to B safely, and Machine Learning is key to the necessary and sufficient number of statistical parameters that must be encountered and learned before that threshold of trust is scaled.


There are certain key characteristics which support trustworthiness, including accuracy, explicability, privacy, reliability, robustness, safety, and security (resilience) and mitigation of harmful bias. Principles such as transparency, fairness and accountability should be considered, especially during deployment and use. Trustworthy data, standards and evaluation, validation, and verification are critical for the successful deployment of AI technologies. 

Delivering the needed measurements, standards and other tools is a primary focus for MBDM's portfolio of AI efforts. It is an area in which MBDM has special expertise.

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