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As Industrial Engineers & CMMS Experts...

We are capable of building and managing computer-aided systems for organizing, planning, scheduling, measuring, and controlling maintenance.

We use a standard IE framework for assessing, evaluating, and improving an existing CMMS (i.e., Computerized Maintenance Management System) program which is applicable in either a union or non-union environment, and it provides the critical building blocks for dynamic processes, performance goals, and continuous improvement.

Maintenance Management is a very information-intensive process and the computer is an ideal platform for managing the large amounts of information and separate communications that must occur to get the work done. 

A CMMS system, is the application software for tasks such as initiating work requests, and planning and scheduling work orders from the approved requests. Other tasks are planning and scheduling repetitive preventive maintenance jobs, time reporting, maintaining equipment specification and history, and automatic generation of performance reports and trend charts.

Our CMMS capabilities are a powerful mechanism for ensuring critical infrastructure assets used to support customer needs are always running at optimum levels. Where such systems directly impact the quality of customer lives (i.e., such as Power Generation Systems, Water Purifying Systems, Transportation Systems and Critical Life Support Systems), we know how to ensure those systems deliver above minimum levels of certainty in daily operations.

Asset & Service Management

We are experts at asset and service management (A&SM). Our A&SM approach enables companies to maximize the performance of critical capital assets that have a direct and significant impact on achieving corporate objectives. It is a comprehensive approach that includes all types of assets and addresses how they are purchased, maintained and optimized throughout their useful life. Asset and service management is an enterprise-wide approach that gives corporate executives, for the first time, the ability to view and manage assets for the benefit of the corporation as a whole. 

End-to-End Operational Best Practices

We have a strong focus on Best Practices (BPs). BPs are being introduced and becoming integral to more efficient work management in a number of ways. Best practices build integrity-based checks and balances into the system. Standardizing processes throughout the enterprise can help improve asset performance and enhance worker productivity and safety. Some best practices are quite simple but can have powerful results, as these examples show.

  • “Do the Right Work” involves periodically reviewing and adjusting preventive maintenance (PM) and repair activities. With a workforce of 500, saving just four hours a week can equate to US$6 million over the course of a year.

  • We help determine when the cost to repair would exceed the cost to replace, and identify potential moisture  and excessive wear or degradation problems on expensive assets by implementing basic failure-code reporting processes on field assets.

  • We focus on operational excellence thereby improving capacity factors and field asset longevity. Encompassing the core values of professionalism, quality, safety and excellence in all operations, the program is called “Values For Excellence” and includes an initiative to automate and thereby improve the maintenance elements of any plant’s work control. 

Our 3-Point Focus:

We define is Reliability Engineering as focused on 3 primary areas of operations:

  • Focuses on eliminating maintenance requirements.

  • Utilizes technology analysis to achieve reliability and maintenance task improvements.

  • Improves the uptime and productive capacity of critical equipment using formalized problem-solving techniques. 

Operational Excellence

End to end Business Process Execution, Field Effectiveness, and Performance Monitoring

Reliability Engineering (RE) & Asset Management (AM)... 

We define RELIABILITY Engineeering of a system as the probability that the item/system performs a specified function under specified operational and environmental conditions at and throughout a specified time. ”Quantitatively, reliability is the probability of success. Usually expressed as Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF).

We recognize that RE comprises “a collection of planned activities (established through formal and informal management systems) that are effectively working together to prevent loss of system function.”

This second definition is a managed approach to maintain the reliability of system functions. Both definitions refer to the system and maintaining the functionality of the system as a whole.

We can save your company millions of dollars through effective CMMS processess and proprietary algorithms which we build based on how you consume your assets. We maintain that it is not enough to simply have a CMMS system in place, as it is critical that the implementation of such CMMS systems be preceded by a thorough undertanding of your asset base environment, how that environment consumes assets, and what the long term goals of your entity are.  

We bring to the 'surface'  embedded asset consumption patterns that underpin how your assets are used and their true replacement requirements - not simply those requirements dictated by your OEM or your supplier.


That way, you can replace assets when they need to be replaced thereby saving yourselves  millions of dollars each year.


In pursuing these goals for you, we focus on:

  • preventative and predictive maintenance

  • emissions and energy demand management

  • risk-based maintenance

  • asset tracking

  • condition-based maintenance.

PMO, Asset Management and your Supply Chain...


Manufacturing, Distribution, Logistics, and Energy and Utility companies alike depend on critical assets to drive their business. While executives view themselves as running a seamless enterprise, in reality what they often have is a collection of strategic assets, each with its own silo of IT systems.

These large companies have been challenged repeatedly by waves of change brought on by deregulation, globalization, restructuring and, most recently, new environmental policies. 

To achieve higher corporate performance—whether measured in terms of shareholder value, revenue growth, profitability or customer satisfaction, companies are adopting more sophisticated asset management approaches that make it possible to manage diverse and often widely dispersed assets with a single, more easily scaled and deployed system.


They are recognizing that maximizing the value of asset investment is a responsibility that reaches from the mechanic in the plant or the inspector on the transmission line all the way to the executive suite, where enterprise-wide asset management strategies are taking hold. Executives across the globe are finding new roles and responsibilities emerging for various parts of the supply and value chain driven by strong PMO practices.

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